Councils & Committees

Finance Council

The Holy Spirit Finance Council is composed of members of the Christian faithful who are selected to assist the pastor in the administration of the goods of the parish. It is governed by universal Church law and by norms issued by the Archdiocese. The Finance Council is a collaborative body that is consultative in nature in order to assure the maintenance and just distribution of the parish properties and other assets. Council members are selected by the pastor based on their knowledge of finance, willingness to serve, and the ability to be discrete and maintain confidentiality. They are to assist the pastor in providing for the good of the community without prejudice.

Pastoral Council

The Holy Spirit Pastoral Council is composed of members of the Christian faithful who are chosen to assist the pastor in fostering pastoral planning and activity. It represents a form of active participation in the life and mission of the Church. The Pastoral Council exists to do pastoral planning: investigate pastoral works, consider them, and propose practical conclusions about them. The Pastoral Council is a collaborative body that is consultative and advisory in nature.  The nine members of the Pastoral Council serve three-year terms with three new members chosen each year.

School Council

The Holy Spirit Catholic School Council is composed of Christian faithful who are chosen to assist the principal and the pastor in the administration of the parish school.

Stewardship Committee

In following Jesus Christ, we are called to be servants and stewards. Stewardship is more than just giving money, it is about living fully the call to discipleship. A disciple is one “who accepts Jesus’ message to follow him…” (Catechism of the Catholic Church). Mature discipleship is responding to the call of Jesus regardless of the cost. This way of living is transformational because of the conviction and love that comes from answering the call. Stewardship is an expression of discipleship. A Christian steward is one “who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with an increase to the Lord.” (Pastoral Letter on Stewardship) We are all called to live stewardship because we have received his gifts. These gifts should be cultivated in hope, shared with joy, and ultimately offered back to God with gratitude.

If you are interested in receiving more information on our councils, please contact one of our council leaders by visiting our Parish Contacts page.